Diary III — Accidental Aftermath

Doreen Dimitri Picozzi
3 min readOct 4, 2021

A High School Teacher’s Renewed Confidence in Humanity

Photo by Alex Brody on Unsplash

Thursday afternoon: Though the school day ends at 2:05, leaving at that time is rarely an option, especially today when I have a 3:45 meeting with the Curriculum Advisory Council and Open House launches at 6 p.m.

The annual event offers parents a two-hour, seven-class rotation that introduces them to their children’s scheduled classes in 11-minute blocks. I am expecting that by the time Open House ends and I gather my belongings to head home, it will be near 8:15.

At 2:30 I decide to venture out for a lunch that I can split with my husband who is working nearby. But the sandwich shop is not only jammed, it is woefully understaffed, and I find myself leaning against the “Pick Up Here” wall next to a stressed out Door Dash employee.

She knows everyone in the place. She is pacing back and forth. Her orders are lagging and she is anxious. I lose track of her for a few minutes until she comes back to ask the waiting crowd: Who owns the black car out front?

Right. Someone hit my bar, causing significant damage. But the Door Dash Guardian Angel, named Sharon, had taken a photo of the car and its plate. In fact, she also stayed to talk to the officers who answered my call. She shared her info, the photos, and her eyewitness account.



Doreen Dimitri Picozzi

Former journalist, former press secretary to a public official, now teacher of high school journalism and English, devoted wife, and mom of a true gentleman.