Diary of a High School Teacher

Doreen Dimitri Picozzi
2 min readSep 2, 2021

An intermittent reflection on another 182-day adventure, part one

First official day of class, September 2, 2021

After the last school year, we can handle almost anything. Photo by Brooke Cagle for Unsplash.

Things my students said today:

  • I want to be part of the newspaper club. But I don’t want to write. I want to join for the conversation.
  • Miss? Miss? Miss? Miss? Uh. I forgot what I wanted to say.
  • I never expected my English teacher to be blonde and short. You’re really small.
  • Student keeping her paper hidden from view as she worked on a memoir assignment: Um. Are these going to be tacked to the board? You know, like for Open House?
  • I love this class! I know we haven’t started yet. But I love it!
  • Can I borrow your mask?
  • I need to borrow a mask so that I can walk through the halls to the nurse’s office to get a mask.
  • Senior: I’m glad it’s my senior year. I’m ready to leave. Junior: Don’t go.
  • Is this a brandy new book? Never touched? Sweet.
  • Freshman: I went to the boys’ room. I mean, men’s room. There was a teacher in there washing his hands. He told me to go downstairs to the boy’s room. Actually, that lav has a plaque that says “Men’s Room” too. They both say “Men’s Room.” Did I do something wrong?



Doreen Dimitri Picozzi

Former journalist, former press secretary to a public official, now teacher of high school journalism and English, devoted wife, and mom of a true gentleman.